O.S Map of North Nottinghamshire, showing the positions of Cairn and Pit Woods. Tuxford is in the top left corner, the A1 on the left, and the Trent on the right. The map predates their planting. |
Forestry Commission map of Cairn Wood. The narrow strip of land between the A1 embankment and a mill stream.
The map shows two tracks that align with the A1 and terminate at the wood field. There is now a track joining the two, that is used as access to a Biodigester plant off the map to the North West.
The RPA map for The fields that form Pit Wood. The green areas were planted with trees when acquired. The reference numbers are related to the grid reference of the centre of the area. The red stars indicate there is no discernible boundary.
The sub areas of rectangular compartment. The the unspecifies area was originally planted spring 2013 with rows of Robinia, Sweet Chestnut, and Sycamore and Red Oak. The later were instead of Ash which not to be planted following the discovery of Ash Die Back.