Thursday, 12 September 2024

The Wild Wood at Cairn Wood.

 The Wild Wood at Cairn Wood.

When originally purchased the far end of Cairn wood was the area where the youngest willows were, they had also been coppiced most recently and so was the easiest to clear. Being impatient the Salix triandra (Basket Willow) was cut and Oaks from Sherwood acorns and germinating "English" walnuts were planted. The mice dug up all the Walnuts but one, and the deer removed most of the Oaks.  Oaks were then replanted with tree guards. The willow coppice regrowth was allowed to grow thinking it would draw up the trees. Excess saplings from other plantings were inserted into gaps mainly Oak and Cherry. Hawthorn and Field Maple regenerated. The area was let go unmanaged. Before the track was put in it was a long walk down the field. A little pruning was done once the track was there. Reviewing the area in 2023 there are some potentially good Oaks and Cherries  with the odd Walnut.

The Wild Wood 2023. A pruned Oak amongst the impenetrable willow and scrub. 

The S. traindra has been over topped by other trees and is dead or dying. An effort is being made to make the area accessible and to manage the better trees. Hedging stakes have been taken out. Hazels within the wood produced good very long rods and as they were shaded did not produce squirrel food. They could be manged if the deer can be kept away. The row of Hazels by the track were cut for stakes and bean poles the previous year and had few stakes this year and plenty of nuts. Not sure what to do with them in the future.  

There are also a couple of "English Walnuts" Juglans regia and Wild Cherry Prunus avium which might make timber trees. As well as the willow there are large self set Hawthorn, Field Maple and a few Blackhorn some of these have been cut back. They are what make the area dark  and impenetrable particularly on the stream side where there are few timber trees. Winter 2023 I have thinned some out but there is not enough clear ground for replanting. The fairly small area has again sunk down the priority list.
Summer 24. Nothing has been done in this area since the Autumn 23 chipping.

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The Wild Wood at Cairn Wood.

  The Wild Wood at Cairn Wood. When originally purchased the far end of Cairn wood was the area where the youngest willows were, they had al...